A Promise to the Nation

‘Where are the booking forms available?’ Ramesh asked the sales executive at a leading car showroom in Bangalore.

‘Sir, I am not sure about the booking dates, but I do believe that you should visit Auto-Expo in New Delhi.

‘Oh! Auto-Expo’ , Ramesh paused for a while and to confirm asked the sales executive, ‘Are you talking about the one that is being organized in Pragati Maidan in a couple of months from now-on? ‘

‘Yeah, you’re right Sir !’, the sales executive answered.

A man in his early 40s, Ramesh walked out of the show-room and headed towards his home. Back home, children were waiting for their dad to come. The bell rang and they opened the door with excitement in their eyes. To their happiness, dad told them that they would be going to Auto-Expo 2008. Everyone was excited, as they knew they’re going to get its glimpse.

ratan tata
Image Credits: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/motoring/graphics/2008/01/12/mftat3.jpg

Yes, Ramesh’s family could now think about buying it. All his life, he had been traveling on a two-wheeler scooter. With his four-figure monthly income he couldn’t even dream about affording a luxury called as ‘car’. But suddenly from nowhere, some-one had given him hope. A man born in the streets of Mumbai on December 28,1937, a man called Ratan Naval Tata had raised his expectations.

After-all, it was Ratan’s promise to the nation. The promise was about a car! A car which was termed as the car for a common man and Ramesh had every right to consider himself as a common man πŸ™‚ Ramesh had only one man and one brand to thank for it. Ratan Naval Tata and brand behind it i.e. Tata Motors.

Well that was about two months ago ! Today, the whole nation is swooning over Tata’s new car available at a cheap price of 1 lakh Indian rupees. The name of the car is Tata Nano and Ratan has fulfilled his promise πŸ™‚ with full-support from the engineering team by unveiling it at the Auto-Expo which is being organized at Pragati Maidan.

As for Ramesh, he happens to be just one among the billion.

Update – Although off-topic, I just wanted to share with you Glossary of Blogging and Social Media Terms. It would give you clarity about the whole link, please visit the link here

Updated on January 15th at 3:08 P.M. Other thoughts on this topic – Tata Nano – the Dream Car? , Sampad Swain’s Blog-Post


Filed under Branding, Customer

7 responses to “A Promise to the Nation

  1. Pingback: January Reflections and Gratitude | ConverStations

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  3. An artist says what the common man feels.

    The NaNo maybe a techie’s dream but see what the artist feels and maybe you’d relate to it.

    NaNo – An artist’s impression of the challenges ahead

  4. Hey daksh, that was a nice article on the latest and the cheapest car made available in the world now by Mr. Ratan Naval Tata. Well, the whole world might be thinking about the cheapest car that will be running on the road shortly.

    Now here i would like to consider two issues:

    1) Maintenance cost
    2) Unavailability of proper infrastucture

    1) Maintenance cost
    This car has an engine on back side and a luggage space on the front side. Now the parts of the car might be different from the other tata makes. So will those parts be readily available to the customers? Will they charge more for the maintenance parts?

    2) Unavailability of the proper infrastucture
    Think about each and every person in India moving on a two wheeler on the road. Lets take an example of Delhi. So many traffice jams. So many accidents. So many time consuming signals. Now with a launch of such a cheaply available car, and with the increase in standart in increase of living, we can see the scenario even getting worse. Lets take an example of people driving pulsar. Pulsar is available at a price of 70k to 80k. Now rather than purchasing pulsar, one could invest more and buy Nano, so just think that instead of no. of pulsars moving on the road, there will be cars moving. Do we have the infrastructure to support this kind of scenario?

    Nice article though.

    Cheers !!

  5. daksh

    Sampad – Thank you for the kind words of encouragement.

    Thanks for sharing your blog-post. I’ve updated this post to include the link of your blog πŸ™‚

    Off-topic – I was actually wondering about the purpose of trackback on your blog. Is it essentially, used to trackback the comments instead of posts?

  6. Nice story Daksh..Enthralling I must say!!

    Still got something for u on that Tata note..Posted right after Delhi Auto-Expo i.e. the “Similarity between Tata Nano & Apple iPhone”..Guess what can be the similarity…
    Read more @ http://managementchords.blogspot.com/2008/01/what-tatas-nano-apples-iphone-have-in.html

    Till then keep posting like this..Like reading which is not on the face types…


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