Category Archives: Blogs

Marketing, Social Media & Branding Blogs in India

What XML feed of some of the best Social-media, Marketing and Branding blogs in India

Why Thoughts inspired by Age of Conversation’s Douglas Karr. Primarily, there was a need for an XML/OPML file for india focussed blogs.

Who All blog-readers who enjoy following trends/thoughts/insights/analysis on social-media, marketing and branding trends in India.

How Simply use the import feature in your feed reader to import from these blogs.

Where Download the xml-feed from here

Featured blogs so far [listed in alphabetical order]:

Abhishek Jha, Anjali, Daksh, Dhivya Subramanian, FMCG & RETAIL Marketing, Gaurav Mishra, Gaurav Shukla, Harish B, Jessie Paul, Manish, manuscrypts, Pallavi Bhardwaj, Preeti Chaturvedi, Rajesh Aithal, Rajesh Kumar, Rajesh Lalwani, Rajiv Dhingra, Ravi Kiran, Sampad Swain, Saurabh Garg, Vandana Ahuja, Vikas Tandon.

The list has just begun. Feel free to contribute more names and I’d happy to update the XML feed 🙂

Zemanta Pixie


Filed under Blogs, Branding, marketing

Keep Reading

Last few weeks have been really hectic 🙂 I’ve been trying to balance work to write a few more-posts. Pls read a few interesting links in the mean time.

  • Meikah shares a great quote on Customer Service in her blog post. Check it out here
  • My friend Sampad talks about Social Media and how it may save our lives. Read Sampad’s post here
  • Sunaina has an interesting post about Delhi’s bookstores
  • Apu is moving to a new domain. Lots of other interesting stuff that she’s planning. Read it here
  • Friend and customer-experience advocate Becky has talked about the Customer Service is the New Marketing event which is taking place in San Francisco, CA on Monday, February 4 – 2008. Read about that here


Filed under Blogs

Driving Traffic From Blog Comments

Today morning, I was listening to the Episode No. 292 of For Immediate Release Podcast and like any other episode this one is equally interesting 🙂 . Lots of interesting stuff is out there, so do check it out.

PR Evangelist Neville talks about one of the blog-posts on Darren Rowse’s blog which addresses the power of commenting on blogs. The blog-post talks about Caroline Middlebrook.

Caroline Middlebrook has done some analysis of her blog traffic/stats for the month of October and she’s got about 700 visitors just from blog comments.

The key is that its not just spamming the blog, but instead Caroline is contributing to the conversation by sharing her thoughts. So, it isn’t something like “Oh Yeah ! Great Work” or “Keep it Up, Great Work”. Another interesting thing as Darren points out is that Caroline doesn’t put blog link in her comment. Certainly, it is very cool for some one who has just started.

Caroline has also posted a summary of her monthly work schedule. What is it that consumes most of her time and how many hours does she spend on that?

The time spent on Blog-reading and commenting is really astounding. It dominates the entire work. The whole concept of networking with others and understand what others are talking about, educating yourself with other’s thoughts well that’s the core 🙂

I’d highly recommend reading Caroline’s post, not from the numbers perspective but primarily from the qualitative insights that she shares.


Filed under Blogs, Social Networks