Tag Archives: socialmedia india

Criticising Social Media ?

Criticizing social media?

Are you doing so for any of the following reasons:

  • Because you think this is a buzzword which will eventually die-down
  • Because your mind tells tells you that there’s nothing to social media beyond twitter, blogs and Facebook
  • Because every second person you have seen on twitter claims to be a social media evangelist or a catalyst
  • Because you do not seem to understand the differences and similarities between digital media and social media
Image by Laughing Squid via Flickr
  • Because you are fed up of blog-posts talking about socialmedia ROI & budgets and don’t understand what is the ROI
  • Because you see brands jumping on social media bandwagon and you fail to understand what they’re gaining out of it
  • Because you witness endless talks about conversations, communities, content
  • Because you are trying to understand the meaning of terms of ‘social’ and ‘media’ and combined together
  • Because you discuss your problems with consultants and every time you talk to them there’s more confusion than ever before

Rather not do it as it is more a perception issue than anything else !!  Understand  Social Media as a Philosophy and its application as a Culture.

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