Web Hosting demystified – I

I’ve been running my blog on wordpress.com which offcourse is a free account currently. In the future, I plan to shift my blog to a domain on a wordpress.org account.

The other day I was doing a bit of search (organic search) for a cheap, reliable, quality (wow i.e. quite a bit) web-hosting provider. Did a bit of research, read some e-mails in my discussion group, talked to a couple of net experts ( not geeks but domain pros).

After some brain-storming I discovered a kool webhosting company called Velnetweb which seems to be one stop shop for all web hosting needs. Velnetweb offers web-design and wide variety of domains at cheap prices for 2 years.

My buddy gave a bit of positive feedback about Velnetweb and is quite satisfied by their service and has a hosted domain at Velnet for the last couple of years. What I look about Velnet is the ability to use wordpress.org themes which makes them quite cool.

Velnet shows a lot of promise and is best-fit solution if you are looking for a cost-effective domain hosting solution. The Velnet guys are based out of UK and offer 24 hour phone support. The future looks bright for Velnet if it continues to fulfill its promise of quality πŸ™‚

All I can say at this point of time that they are creating a bit of wave by their price surely long way to stand up and be counted.

(Image source : Host Designs)


Filed under Cool Stuff, Internet Marketing, Service Marketing

7 responses to “Web Hosting demystified – I

  1. Free webhosting, comes with free sub domain πŸ˜›


  2. Thats good! You are going to have own domain.
    I have no idea about this.
    But Indiatimes customercare & account renewal is pain.

  3. hmm … try to visit awardspace.com ..
    i have use it to hosting my web qronis .web.id

    visit me at novhard.yahoo.com
    sorry, my english is not good enough

  4. i use godaddy.com for my web hosting and found it really good.

  5. Apu, thanks for dropping by. I plan to write-up a couple of web related posts essentially focussed on few technical aspects πŸ™‚

    Html challenge folks hm.. let me think about that !

    Yes, it is your first comment and keep them coming. Glad to know that you like the blog.

  6. apu

    oh, a very timely piece for me! i’ve also been thinking of my own domain for some time now, but wanted a place that would require least maintenance from me – perhaps you could also add a note on services suitable for html-challenged folks?

    and – nice blog – been lurking for some time now, though havent commented before!

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