Criticising Social Media ?

Criticizing social media?

Are you doing so for any of the following reasons:

  • Because you think this is a buzzword which will eventually die-down
  • Because your mind tells tells you that there’s nothing to social media beyond twitter, blogs and Facebook
  • Because every second person you have seen on twitter claims to be a social media evangelist or a catalyst
  • Because you do not seem to understand the differences and similarities between digital media and social media
Image by Laughing Squid via Flickr
  • Because you are fed up of blog-posts talking about socialmedia ROI & budgets and don’t understand what is the ROI
  • Because you see brands jumping on social media bandwagon and you fail to understand what they’re gaining out of it
  • Because you witness endless talks about conversations, communities, content
  • Because you are trying to understand the meaning of terms of ‘social’ and ‘media’ and combined together
  • Because you discuss your problems with consultants and every time you talk to them there’s more confusion than ever before

Rather not do it as it is more a perception issue than anything else !!  Understand  Social Media as a Philosophy and its application as a Culture.

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7 responses to “Criticising Social Media ?

  1. Pingback: Social Media Blog Posts 2009 - Social Media Marketing Tips

  2. Pingback: Social Media Blog Posts 2009 – Generate more traffic.

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  4. Pingback: Recommended: Tokutek | A Social Networking Case Study « Fredzimny's Blog

  5. Very impressive. Thaks for the info.

  6. I was reading Socialnomics by Erik Qualman, which is a book I highly recommend, and he said this,

    “These type of questions are often posed by someone who doesn’t understand social media rather than by someone who hasn’t embraced social media; there is a difference…The key with social media is that it allows you to easily stay abreast of people you want to stay connected with via casual observation.”

    Awesome bullet points, helps to clarify lots of things for those with questions and give insight into why certain people shove social media away. 🙂

  7. Pingback: Tweets that mention Criticising Social Media ? « --

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